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The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll

Book about the Bullet Journal method written by the originator of the method, Ryder Carroll. This is a book for frustrated list writers, overwhelmed multitaskers, and creative people who need structure.

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A book about the Bullet Journal method written by the originator of the method, Ryder Carroll. This is a book for frustrated list writers, overwhelmed multitaskers, and creative people who need structure.

For years, Ryder Carroll tried countless organizing systems, online and offline, but none of them suited his way of thinking. He searched for a method that would help him become consistent, focused, and efficient. But eventually, Ryder developed a method of his own. He began sharing his system with his friends who were facing similar challenges. The method quickly went viral, and just a few years later, to his surprise, Bullet Journaling is a worldwide movement.

The bullet journal method is about much more than organizing your notes and to-do lists. It's about what Ryder calls conscious living: clearing out distractions and focusing your time and energy on what's truly meaningful. This applies to both work and your personal life. It's about spending more time on what you care about, by working towards fewer goals.

Ryder Carroll shows in his book how you can:

  • Organize your life: find peace in everyday life by attacking your to-do lists in a systematic, deliberate and productive way.

  • Collect your thoughts: with paper and pen you can see what you're spending your time on and get an overview of your progress.

  • Shape your future: take dreams and develop into goals and then break those goals down into actionable steps that lead to change.

Ryder wrote this book for frustrated list-makers, overwhelmed multitaskers, and creatives in need of some structure. Whether you've been using a Bullet journal for years or have never seen one before, this book will help you take control of your own life.

  • Band type: Pocket
  • Year: 2020
  • ISBN: 978-91-89043-67-1
  • Pages: 304

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Own Article number: 043671

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Martin Lejon
Bullet journal-metoden av Ryder Carroll

Välskriven bok som bjuder på många nya insikter och möjligheter att ändra och förbättra sitt liv.