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En kalender ligger uppslagen och tvÄ stÀmplar i serien - Paintable Rotating Date frÄn Midori ligger bredvid kalender dÀr de anvÀnts. En hand fÀrglÀgger det tryckta stÀmpelmotivet med en fÀrgpenna. - Tidformera

Series - Paintable Rotating Date

(5 products)

Series - Paintable Rotating Date from Midori . These are stamps where you rotate different headings with the wheels. The ink is oil-based and you can color in the ink after drying without it smearing. Appreciated for use in calendars and Bullet Journals!

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        A few tips along the way

        About Series - Paintable Rotating Date

        We have a wide range of different shapes of calendar stamps. Here you will find the entire range.

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